Like other types of insurance, auto insurance is designed to protect the individual and cover financial losses in the case of an accident, whether it’s the fault of the owner of the car or someone else. Though the rules for the required types of coverage vary from state to state, according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Florida’s minimum coverage is $10,000 personal injury protection (PIP) and $10,000 property damage liability (PDL). Unfortunately, these minimum amounts are not enough to cover even a minor emergency room visit, nor do they cover the liability of the insured in any way.
Also referred to as “Florida No Fault Insurance,” PIP covers you, your child and other members of your household. The policy also covers you and your family members if you are injured riding in someone else’s motor vehicle, and when you are a pedestrian or a bicyclist. PDL coverage pays for damages you or your family members cause, and are liable for, to other people’s property during the crash of a motor vehicle.
There are many costs associated with owning a car—gas prices, oil changes, maintenance issues and more. That’s why, when looking for ways to save money on car ownership, it’s worth closely analyzing your auto insurance policy.
Here are some ways you may be able to cut your car insurance costs, while still ensuring you have great coverage.
Let Valiant perform an annual rate check for you, to make sure the policy you have is still the best option.
Choose a top-rated insurer for your policy. As your Valiant adviser will explain to you, some companies are better than others in dealing with claims, payments and other issues.
Make sure you set a reasonable deductible. While a higher deductible will reduce your monthly premium, you’ll be paying much more out of pocket if you have an accident.
Maintain good credit. Low credit scores could adversely affect your car insurance premium, so you should be regularly checking your credit score.
Change your policy if your daily mileage is reduced. Maybe you’ve changed jobs or begun working from home. If you’re driving your car less, you may qualify for a lower premium.
Before you buy a new car, compare the data about relative collision insurance coverage. Your Valiant agent can advise you on this.
Take advantage of possible discounts. There are discounts available for “lower risk” drivers, as well as for vehicles that are equipped with anti-theft and other safety features.
Beware of scams. Dishonest people can rip you off with staged accidents, resulting in an insurance claim against you. If you are in an accident, be sure to photograph the scene and make a police report.
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